We serve employers too. If you’re seeking job candidates who are deeply motivated to re-enter the workforce and stay there, LandAjob can:
- Email your job openings to a client list of thousands of job seekers, using targeted outreach;
- Post your openings on our Careers website, which receives more than 10,000 hits a day;
- Help you understand tax benefits (Work Opportunity Tax Credits) and Office of Federal Contract & Compliance Program (OFFCP) requirements that hiring a person with a disability can bring.
Questions? Contact LandAjob at info@landajob.org. Together we can put all of America to work.
More information about Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTC):
- https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/work-opportunity-tax-credit
- https://www.doleta.gov/business/incentives/opptax/
More information on the Office of Federal Contract and Compliance Program (OFFCP):